The company was founded on real intentions, to share a family solution to a common problem experienced by many. Grounded in logic and backed by science, we aim to keep things simple with the least amount of interference as possible to let the honey be the hero. We aim to be as consistent as possible across all aspects of the business speaking the same language and sending the same message through our actions. The honey we produce is raw, unfiltered and just as nature intended, so we as a brand, endeavor to be our authentic self at all times regardless of the consequences.

Being a sustainable brand, in our opinion, is a modern day non negotiable. The products we produce are intrinsically linked to the environment however our definition of sustainability goes beyond that connection, and consciously subscribes to a way of thinking that should leave the environment in a better place. We choose to speak with our actions, to lead by example and to put the environment first to preserve it's beauty for generations to come.
We believe that lasting connections are formed through genuine experiences. As a brand, we try and open our doors to every step of our supply chain and share our decision making process. We invite you to come along for the journey through the ups and downs to see what goes into each jar or tube that we produce.